What’s Most Important

I think that it was a brave thing that Casey did when he decided to climb the tallest mountain in Africa called Mt.Kilimanjaro.  I think that this was a huge risk because it is almost death-defying.  Casey had a lot of people carrying his stuff around.  There was also a lot of raining.  It was pretty cool looking Africa from above on the plane.

I think that it was bad that Casey started getting sick when he was at a high altitude.  I believe that his mother is right that he shouldn’t be spending all of his money on trips because I have heard that there are also consequences on those trips.  Casey was sure being strong on the mountain climbing.  The meat that they got looked pretty digusting.  He sure knew how to survive.

I would be pretty surprised if I was climbing Mt.Kilimanjaro.  My Grandpa would not like it because he is afraid of heights.  I think that I should prepared if I ever did something like that.  My Mother would fear about my life if I climbed up that mountain.  I know that I have to be pretty strong to survive a trip like that.

Brick Drop

This assignment is about making a brick drop down from a building from a first person’s view.  This assignment was hard to do and I need to keep practicing on future assignments.  This assignmnt is also not good at all because there is no title and there is no, “The End,” title at the end of the animation.